Our photo filter tool adds filters to the photos by retaining its quality.
None of your data is sent on our servers all the operations are done on the browser itself. This enables us to be 100% safe for our users
Our photo filter tool works on almost all kinds of browsers and devices.
Our photo filter tool is very easy to understand no professional is needed to work on our tool.
Our photo filter tool is completely free of cost, you can use all our tools without paying a single penny
Our photo filter tool is completely browser based and no additional software is required to be downloaded on your device.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, it is absolutely safe to allow and give us access to your drive. We won't be making any changes to your site and your dfiles will be safe with you.
Click on the drop down arrow and select Dropbox/Google Drive. Select the Google account from where you want to link your drive. Now you can select the files that you want to upload.
The photo filter feature from safeimagekit.com provides the best of filters out there. These filters change the overall look of the image uploaded. The available filters are- Prewitt Horizontal- Red, Green, Grayscale, Invert, High pass, Laplacian, Prewitt Vertical, Robert, Saturation, Sepia, Sharpen, Sobel Horizontal, Sobel Vertical,Thresholding, Mirror. The apply feature which is on the bottom saves the changes made and lets the user download the image file.
There are 4 basic steps to add filters to an image file under the photo filers feature from safeimagekit.com. These features include- - Upload the required image file in the space provided. - Choose the appropriate filter from the variety of options given. - Select the filter and click apply to apply that filter to that image. - Hit save to save the changes made and download the modified image.
Currently, the photo filter feature from safeimagekit.com supports all the formats of images out there. However, the user can gain the best advantage if the images are in the following format- - Png - Jpeg - Jpg - Raw - Eps, etc.
First, upload the image which requires a change in the upload space provided. Then, select the Laplacian image filter from the variety of options provided in the toolbox of filters. Then, hit the apply button to get a preview of the photo after the addition of the filter. Hit “save” to save the changes made to the uploaded image. Finally, hit the download option to download the new and improved image.
Yes, the photo filter feature from safeimagekit.com does provide a preview option to check the outlook of the image which is being edited. To access the preview feature, the user needs to upload an image and add a filter to that image from the variety of filters provided. Then, hit the apply button to apply that filter on that image. Then, we get a preview of the image which has been modified with a new filter.
A Mirror filter is a unique filter that provides the user with an exact mirror copy of the image. First, upload the image which requires a change in the upload space provided. Then, select the Mirror image filter from the variety of options provided in the toolbox of filters. Then, hit the apply button to get a preview of the photo after the addition of the filter. Hit “save” to save the changes made to the uploaded image. Finally, hit the download option to download the new and improved image.
No, we cannot add or remove text while adding a filter to the uploaded image file using add filter feature from safeimagekit.com, the text editing features such as the text insertion and the text removal features are not included currently. The photo filter feature only supports conversion but not editing. However, updates to the website will bring all the exciting features even text editing features to the website.
Time is the exciting factor present here; time taken by the photo filter feature from safeimagekit.com entirely depends upon the image file uploaded. If the size of the image uploaded is more then the time taken to process the conversion of the image file is a bit more than the time taken to convert a normal image file and vice-versa. Internet connection also plays a role in the speed of conversion (It even works on a slower connection).
The photo filter feature from safeimagekit.com is not connected to any server out there, so the data which the user is working on will not be stored anywhere and as a result, it will be erased instantly when the user refreshes the browser which he is working on. The image files which are worked on will also be removed after the user exits or closes the tab on which the extension page of the website is open.
Photo filters is a versatile feature offered by safeimagekit.com which is supported by all the operating systems out there such as Windows 8, Linux, and even Ubuntu. All it takes is a device to open the extension file using the www.safeimagekit.com website and a normal internet connection to stand on. The fun fact is that it can even run on a slower internet connection.
First, upload the image which requires a change in the upload space provided. Then, select the sepia image filter from the variety of options provided in the toolbox of filters. Then, hit the apply button to get a preview of the photo after the addition of the filter. Hit “save” to save the changes made to the uploaded image. Finally, hit the download option to download the new and improved image.
No, we do not send any of your files to our servers all the operations are done on the browser itself therefore all your files are completely safe.
Absolutely not, our tool is completely online and does not require you to share any of your personal information with us, like email id, passwords etc. Our tool is completely free of cost.
We gladly take in any issue or suggestions offered by all the users, please contact us through our social media handles for more information. Safeimagekit.com is available on all the leading social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn, etc.
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